Author and illustrator: Canizales

ISBN: 978-84-17272-08-1

Pages: 36

Size: 24 x 26cm

Cover: Hard cover

Target: 3+

Languages published: Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese

Rights available here

SummaryKids are bombarded with images and narratives of consumption; but is this

where happiness is to be found?

It seems to Thad that everyone is happy, except him. Is it because of the things they own which he does not? He takes his credit card and decides to buy what apparently makes them happy: a scooter, a mobile phone, some racquets, and a host of other things...Thad's house is now brim-full of objects,

but not of joy. Hearing laughter he follows the sound to check if he has missed buying something and finds three kids having fun without any toy or device! Thad is included in the games and for the first time he feels contentment. Thad shares smiles with his new friends as they go together to return all his purchases to the shops. A story to learn something that is priceless.


Todos llevaban una sonrisa en la cara. Menos Tadeo.

Pero ¿qué hacía tan felices a los demás?

¿Serían todos esos juguetes y aparatos tan divertidos?

¿Encontrará Tadeo la felicidad comprando todas aquellas cosas?

Un cuento con el que aprenderás algo que no tiene precio. 


Un delicado y colorido canto a la amistad, al juego y a la imaginación de la infancia, que nos permitirá aprender el verdadero valor de la vida y disfrutar de la sencillez y la buena compañía.


Tots lluïen un gran somrís.

Tots, llevat d’en Tadeu.

Però, què era allò que els feia feliços?

Potser totes aquelles joguines i aparells tan divertits?


En Tadeu seria feliç si comprava tot allò?

Una història per aprendre una cosa que no té preu.



Todas as crianças estavam sempre felizes. Menos Tadeu. Ele sentia que lhe faltava algo, mas o quê? Ele logo descobre que dinheiro não traz felicidade.....


All the children were always happy. Except Thad. He felt like he was missing somenthing, but what? He soon discovered that money doesn''t buy happiness.